Wednesday 29 August 2012

Pursuit of happiness

Back to that happy-go-lucky Letso we all know... :D So I'm still on that Kid Cudi tip, trying to pursue happiness.
So is life all about trying to figure what makes you happy and what grates your titties and working hard at avoiding the former...
Or is it about going to school getting that paper then finally going out there to get the other paper that can afford you a good wife and good things...
Or is it about going with the flow and hopefully land up at the right place and the right time and getting discovered by the same nikka that found Alek  Wek and turned her into the most sought after model...Yes? No?

We see so many people, especially in Joburg, lead lives that are almost unreal (like that guy/girl you went to high school with and 4yrs later you see him/her (usually her) at your local mall and they start throwing you with some hectic British accent that's miraculously been put together right here e'Mzansi) shocked out of your mind, u ask yourself 'kanjani?nini?'. Lol. This is just one of the many things that come up in my mind whenever I think of pretentious people. 
How are you possibly happy living a life that isn't the true reflection of who you are. I definitely have not figured out who I am, at age 22 I figure I'm still young and true happiness and contentment comes with a certain level of maturity. 

During my high school years (2003-2007), I always thought that the day, in fact 'day' is too long. I thought that the second I have a degree and my 1st car, I will be thee happiest person on this planet because that would mean I have a job and I can almost immediately find myself the perfect husband and make myself  the perfect baby and live in a house on Wisteria Lane with a rice white picket fence *hahahahahahahaha*. 

That for me was happiness- or so I thought. Until I stepped out of the school system and that all consuming feeling of freedom filled my mind body and spirit and my small town mentality flew right outta the window. Part of this freedom was that of being able to think out of the box which made me realize and opened my eyes to the different forms of happiness that exist. Now I realize I'm nowhere close to it, for as long as I catch myself frowning, I realize I'm not entirely happy. In fact I do have a degree, I do have a car but I'm still in school and even with the car, I have to sacrifice my entire allowance to ensure that it's well taken care of :(

Since living life as a young adult, I 've come to realize that happiness is not a clear  cut concept, it has so many grey areas and preparing to institute a lawsuit against all children books that end off with 'they left, got married and live happily ever after' it's all a misrepresentation of reality.

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