Sunday 14 October 2012

10 signs he's DEFINITELY friendzoned you

After a lengthy conversation with a good friend, she talked about a man whom she thought was her mr.Right only to find that he was her mr. right-now, which revealed a lot of things women feel and deal with on a daily but never talk about because of the fear of being judged. After our hearty conversation, I couldn't wait to put all my thoughts on paper and publish.

A lot of times as females we find ourselves in situations or relationships even we cannot explain. That sort of relationship where the guy acts like your boyfriend ie. takes you out for movies, random dinners, invites you to his friends parties etc. but the words 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' have never made it into his vocab. Soon after that all those butterflies in your stomach suddenly come to a screeching halt the second he says, 'Gawddam!! I saw some fine ass chick at the club last Friday and she can get it anyday'. Like the oh-so-polite lady you are, your response is something like, 'oh really...*nods head, it must be one of those pole-dancer chicks I've seen there, they only hire the hottest girls', but inside you're thinking 'YOU FUCKEN BASTARD, DONE WASTE MY FUCKEN TIME, DO I NOT LOOK GIRLFRIEND MATERIAL, I COULD STAB YOU WITH A DAGGER RIGHT NOW!!!'. Of course on the exterior you're trying to look as cool as a polar bear's toenail, not forgetting to add the punch line 'I could never be a pole-dancer'.

To save all the ladies out there some precious time, I've compiled a list of the most obvious signs that he's friend zoned you. And all that you can do from here onwards is move on swiftly to a man who will love, value and appreciate you for all that you are worth. So here goes:

(i) He goes for weeks, sometimes months without calling, texting, emailing....he basically goes AWOL without a valid explanation.

(ii) He calls only when he needs something from you, ie sex, money, a ride to the club lol *broke ass scrub

(iii) He constantly refers to you as 'dude', 'buddy', 'mate', 'friend', and only advances to 'babe' after that steamy hottt s..

(iv) You have a fear of asking what's going on between the two of you because you are scared you might lose him.

(v) He refers to your relations as 'going with the flow' except there is no water or stream of commitment coming your way.

(vi) If there happens to be a girlfriend in the picture, it's either they are going through 'serious' problems or she's always out of the country (this is of course his side of the story) I personally urge you to go all Debra Patta on this issue and find out what the main girl has to say about her side of the story and if you feel like you can't then 'babe', you've just landed your ass on that side plate.

(vii) You two will occasionally engage in matters of the centre ie. fuck; rock; get it; get that D...(you get the picture)

(viii) If you know that you want more than what you are getting from him

(ix) For all the times you question the relationship he constantly reassures you that he cares about you or he's got your back, the 'L' word in this case is as far off a dream as sex with Trey-Songs.

(x) And finally, he hardly ever returns your calls, texts, etc. and just when you're about to buy flowers to take to his place because certainly the only valid reason why he's not getting back to you is because he got into a major car accident which resulted in him losing his phone and consequently your numbers...- you bump into his car or better yet him at the club. Eisaan

If one or more of those factors apply to you then lady you need to walk out. Like Anastasia's mom (Carly) said from Fifty Shades of Grey', *thinks hard* well it was something to the effect of 'if a man loves or wants you, they wont hide it'. Men will often deliver lines and women will almost always want to read between them. It's not worth it. It never is.
If you haven't yet seen or read Steve Harvey's 'Act like a woman, Think like a man',I'd suggest you do. I guarantee that all I've said will be as clear as glass. ❤

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