Wednesday 29 August 2012

Who cares, just do you

So it's been a rather interesting three days in the not-so-fabulous life of Letso. A lot of people responding to me about my previous post titled 'Emotional men' I the only one who thought that post was downright hilarious, or maybe I'm just a heartless beast though I beg to differ *sad face.

A lot people found it funny, some people chose to remain on the fence, one beautiful lady went as far as to say it was thought provoking (now that made me raise a brow), of course there were  those who straight up told me I'm bitter and immature and  a classic statement was the guy who said something to the effect of 'omg I woulda never thought she could write anything like this, she's got issues', now this guy can sit in line with those folk who're still waiting for me to give a shit *just saying.

Before I go any further I would like to bring the following facts to the fore: 
Chapter 2 of the South Afican Bill of rights, S16(1) states that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes ­
freedom to receive or impart information or ideas;
freedom of artistic creativity; and
academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.
And S15(1) states that all South African citizens have the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion.

So next time I publish a post and whilst reading you find yourself shocked, in awe and thinking 'Letso musta fell and bumped her head before tapping on the 'publish' button', chances are I have, but I actually prefer it that way because the moment I think too hard about what I want to say- that's when I lose the plot. 

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