Tuesday 14 February 2012


Valentines *feeling nauseous*, day of love huh, I beg to differ, this is definitely not a deep seeded root of anger that stems from 12year old Letso not receiving a flower from her crush or not receiving that voice message over the intercom during the last period of every valentines throughout her entire primary school career, NO!

It’s really because it is a money making scheme, based on an unnatural feeling that no one has control over.  It forces people to buy ridiculous gifts just to make the next person smile whilst a 3rd person person is drenched in planet lonely. I for one do not subscribe to such notions.

I am not anti-love, definitely not. I just have my own interpretation of love, which is a tad bit different from the typical 'roses are red, violets are blue' kinda love. I believe in privacy of a union without any sort of domination from either parties, a union with mutual respect, where the man is not obligated to shower the lady with gifts but in fact does so from the heart, a union kinda similar to that of 'free-love activists' Lillian Herman and Edwin Walker.

A total coincidence is me coming across Judge Valentine, the judge presiding over the Herman-Walker case. According to Judge Valentine, the "essentials" of marriage included: life-long commitment, a wife's obedience to the husband, the husband's absolute control over all property, the wife taking the husband's last name, the right of the husband to force sexual intercourse on an unwilling wife (that would be rape, by the way), and the right of the husband to control and have custody of any children.
*this man must have fell and bumped his medulla oblongata against his frontal lobe*

With that said it’s quite clear how different this 'love' varies from person to person, we are not all strokes of the same brush and I’m pretty glad that’s the case because evolution would have been nowhere near possible.

It might take a few centuries for the valentines craze to wear off but I'm hopeful, if a living breathing human could rise from the dead after 3 days and not die twice from hunger or dehydration then I'm quite certain anything is possible, even the death of valentines. J

Monday 13 February 2012

Without Whitney

It's Monday the 13 but it sure feels like Freaky Friday the 13th because me and the rest of the world we are still in mourning mode, still in disbelief over the death of legendary musician Whitney Houston, talk about an untimely death...just 3 days before valentines nogal. Love is in the air alright, love for Whitney's albums as I predict her record sales shoot up by 100%...seems as though people are worth a lot more money dead than alive.

According to the Dailymail, she was found in the bathtub, its said that she may have fallen asleep or lapsed into unconsciousness. Water was also found in her lungs so its clear she jumped into the tub whilst alive. ALL OF THIS and Bobby Brown is still alive...whats also incredible is the Diane Sawyer interview with Whitney Houston 2002, where Whitney's response to one of the questions was that by 2012 she wishes to have retired and raising her daughter Bobby Christine Brown. Well, its 2012 and she crumbled.

So as tribute to Whitney, I went to listen to no less than 3 of her albums, my favourite still being the 'I'm youre baby tonight' album. I must have been 10 when i found this album at home right at the back of cupboard and like any other 11 year old, the ONLY reason I happen to know ALL the lyrice to ALL the songs is because the cd insert had all the lyrics to all the songs *karaoke at its best*, how things have changed for the worst. For about a year that album was my croissants and cheese :) and listening to it throughout the entire weekend, I just got nostalgic and all those 11year old self fuzzy feelings came back.
Moral of the story: If you know numbers make you feel nauseous, then saty the fuck away from maths; If theft is something you cant seem to shake off, then stay the fuck away from working in a bank; if you cant stand the sight of people, well i suggest you stay away from being a sales rep...and for Christ sakes, if your body has a low drug resistance then STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM!!!! *just saying* :)

Friday 10 February 2012

So what does one possibly write for their very first blog entry??? really difficult to think when you are feeling under pressure for no reason at all. I'd write a little about myself but its so typical of a first blog entry that i wont even bore anyone reading this because chances are you know me already, so how about we just skip all the unnecessary admin.

Why 'Rumble in the Jungle' as a title you wonder, well I don't know either because it came to me one night, about two weeks ago as I was contemplating to start this blog and the time must have been 00:38, out of nowhere I woke up with it on my mind, I wrote it down in my notebook so I wouldn't forget and here it is.

In my defense I did google it and found that 'Rumble in the Jungle' was a historic boxing event that took place on October 30 1974, it as a fight between George Forman and Muhammad Ali (goggle it, well..not until you've finished reading). Digging deep into my subconscious, I discovered it could be related to my father who is an avid boxing fan, although I possess no proof of him ever telling me about it. Who knows really, I must have been a baby and eavesdropping on one of the many conversations between him and my mom *shrugs*.

When trying to make sense of it I figure that it could mean that in this world we are all in a boxing ring, in a fight for life and it depends how fast your fists are, like Muhammad Ali said: *all together now* "fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee", I mean if the tiniest animals like bees and butterflies have mastered their art of life, why can't we.

But then again these are just words, life is a lot more complicated than that. In fact life is a Rumble in the Jungle and mine is no different. How sweet am I, even had enough time to get a picture of the fight, all 15seconds of my time dedicated to google images lol.

For a very first entry I actually had a lot more fun than I thought.